Gay porn gay breast implants

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Seek an ABPS-certified plastic surgeon who has experience with transgender patients and does lots of this surgery, regardless of your own choice of designation. Crossdressers may not dress in feminine fashion all the time, but breast implants of a DD size would definitely not allow convincing masculine appearance, and therefore would not be an appropriate consideration unless you dress as a female full-time.Though this might be considered male-female transgender appearance, gender identity is a complex and non-binary (male or female) designation.Surgery to place breast implants is something most plastic surgeons do, but placing breast implants in the male chest has some important differences from female breast augmentation that few plastic surgeons have experience with and are aware of. Regardless of the gender you were born with, breast implants are a surgical option available to patients willing to accept that this is not the same as wearing 'falsies' some of the time.

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